attendance blog

Aditya Rayilla's attendance blog.(roll no.117).

No. Of leaves: 0
25th May: took history of CVA case with right sided hemiplagia case . Studied differences between UMN and LMN. 

26th May: op.d day, saw about 5-6 CNS cases related to weakness (paresis) ana paralysis (plagia). Did night duty on 26th night and saw management of 65yo F (hypovolemic shock with metablic acidosis)

27th may: post op. Day. Treatment for hypovolemic shock with metabolic acidosis.

28th May: differentiation of AKI from CKD and treatment. diarrhea in acute gastroenteritis.

29th May:  learnt about quadriparesis(examination) and GBS (clinical diagnosis)

30th May: went to kamineni LB nagar for NCV study for a quadriparesis patient.

31st May(Sunday): studied about GBS progression and correlated to the patient. 

1st June: made an E-blog involving 3 cases. Follow up of post partterm serositis case

2nd June: casuality duty. Admitted two patients

3rd June: differentiation of periodic and non periodic hypokalemic crisis and it's treatment 

4th June:  took the case history of left sided pleural effusion case with CKD. And studied about pleural effusion relating to CKD, saw a pleural tap procedure done.

5th June: reasons for pancytopenia in HIV patients abd neccesity to perform bone marrow biopsy for HIV patients with pancytopenia

6th june- studied about efficiency of blood transfusion on a seropositive patient with pancytopenia follow up of the CT chest of pleural effusion case

7th June: identified Differentials for CT-chest in the left sided pleural effusion patient(?.malignancy, ?. Tb ?. Pleural thickening). 

8th June: evaluated and saw a  late post renal transplant case with features of SOB & vomitings and AKI studied about pathology of igA nephropathy and efficiency of kidney transplant on igA nephropathy. 


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