
Blog 4: Quadriparesis case

Hello everyone.. I am Aditya Rayilla, an intern posted in medicine department and one of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my online log of what I learn during the course of my duties.  Lately we've been getting alot of CNS cases in our hospital, but most of the time we identify the etiology depending on the history and examination, here is a case that shows an ambiguity in diagnosis as the case history points towards one type of a lesion and the examination towards another.  Here is the case presentation of a 40 YO lady with quadriparesis (predominantly paraparesis of lower limbs) Case History  c/o difficulty in walking since 20days and weakness of both upper limbs  HOPI: pt was a/a 20 days ago after which she had a trauma due to slippage of footwear while working in an agricultural field, immediately after fall, pt was unable to stand and nearby workers lifted her and made her sit on a chair. After a while she could walk by h

medicine logs (log 2)

Hello everyone.. I am Aditya Rayilla, an intern posted in medicine department and one of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my online log of what I learn during the course of my duties.  Now coming to the case of 55 yo male patient that we had seen.  This is discussed more in a brief way as this looks more like a classical case of gastro entiritis that we generally see in abundance and resolves after generic treatment.  Diagnosis:  Acute gastroenteritis with k/c/o Type-2 DM with post CABG with thrombocytopenia. Day of admission (27/05/20) Case History  He is a 55 year old male who works as a volunteer in a political party came with complaints of loose stools. 10 episodes watery in consistency, greenish colour, small quantities, increased frequency since 26th morning Fever since 25th evening intermittent in nature not associated with chills and rigors which got relived on taking medication  One episode of vomiting 2 days back non bil

attendance blog

Aditya Rayilla's attendance blog.(roll no.117). No. Of leaves: 0 25th May: took history of CVA case with right sided hemiplagia case . Studied differences between UMN and LMN.  26th May: op.d day, saw about 5-6 CNS cases related to weakness (paresis) ana paralysis (plagia). Did night duty on 26th night and saw management of 65yo F (hypovolemic shock with metablic acidosis) 27th may: post op. Day. Treatment for hypovolemic shock with metabolic acidosis. 28th May: differentiation of AKI from CKD and treatment. diarrhea in acute gastroenteritis. 29th May:  learnt about quadriparesis(examination) and GBS (clinical diagnosis) 30th May: went to kamineni LB nagar for NCV study for a quadriparesis patient. 31st May(Sunday): studied about GBS progression and correlated to the patient.  1st June: made an E-blog involving 3 cases. Follow up of post partterm serositis case 2nd June: casuality duty. Admitted two patients 3rd June: differentiation of periodic and non periodic hypokalemic crisis

left sided pleural effusion case presentation (log 3)

Hello everyone, I am Aditya Rayilla, a medical intern and recently started my medicine posting. This blog is to share my medicine experiences and cases i come across during this period. PRESENT CHIEF COMPLAINTS: Patient has come due to lack of resolution of persistent cough, sob and now complains of Lack of appetite Case History  Bilateral pedal edema since 2 years intermittent pitting type ,pain less,gradually progressive below knee relieved on tablets  Bilateral joint pain in the knee since 2years on NSAID abuse  Decreased urine output associated with burning micturition since 2months  associated with dribbling of urine , increased frequency hesitancy ,urgency , incomplete evacuation SOB since 4 days grade 3-4 gradual in onset progresive Orthopnea+ PND+ palpitations negative  Chest pain since 4 days left sided heaviness ,not radiating  Loss of appetite + No h/o fever , cough  No h/o HTN,DM,CVA,CAD,TB, EPILEPSY no surgical history Agricultural labourer by occupation stopped since 1 ye

medicine posting (log 1)

Hello everyone.. I am Aditya Rayilla, an intern posted in medicine department and one of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my online log of what I learn during the course of my duties.  I'd mainly like to discuss about two patients that were admitted under our unit last week. 1. A 65 year old female who presented with Acute gastroenteritis and had hypovolemic shock with metabolic acidosis at the time of admission. Interestingly she is also a k/c/o Right sided hemiparesis. 2. An 18 year old quadriparesis patient who is now diagnosed with sensory motor axonal neuropathy after NCV. (Whose complete and detailed blog will shortly be uploaded by another co-intern) This link provides the case presentation (1) in a detailed and great way. Made by our coleagye intern Dr.M.Sowmya.  I'd like to discuss more about the progress of this patient rather than the case as it has